We invite you to worship this Sunday.  

Join us in person in our Sanctuary at 10:15am or online at websterhillsumc.org



Make a Joyful Noise!


Our Chancel Choir will begin fall rehearsals on Wednesday, September 4 at 6:45pm in the sanctuary. Childcare is available.

We would love to have you join us! Contact Andy for more information or to sign up at awaggoner@websterhillsumc.org



There will be a New Member Orientation Meeting on Sunday, September 15th, after service in the Chapel.  Lunch will be provided!  

Childcare available upon request. Please contact Ali Fields at afields@websterhillsumc.org for additional information and questions.



The Listening Place offers free walk-in support. Wednesday from 6-8pm. Trained, compassionate volunteers will be available to listen and provide support for any kind of loss, from the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of stability that comes with unemployment, illness, or major life transitions. Whatever your loss, we will listen confidentially and support you on your journey toward healing. The Listening Place is located in the CLC, next to the kitchen. Please feel welcome to visit us - we are here for you!