Initially, our focus will be on awareness and education, so we would love to hear from you about areas of importance and causes you are called to. We plan to also work with other churches in our community to highlight opportunities for action and create a resource network.
If you'd like more information or would like to share your thoughts directly to the team,
please email Lisa Miller at or Lynn Hitner at
He has shown you O mortal what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Upcoming Opportunities & Resources
Implicit Bias Course
In Missouri, we are committed to understanding our own biases. Our work in race and culture exists to help us become a place for people from diverse cultures and generations so that, ultimately, we become a Church for all God’s people.
The Conference worked with the General Commission on Race and Religion to develop a customized version of their online implicit bias training for Missouri lay and clergy. The FREE course is now available to all clergy and lay leaders of the Missouri Annual Conference.
Click here for the free course
Human Trafficking Awareness
While the movie, Sound of Freedom, has caused controversy, the issue of human trafficking is important.
The studio acknowledges taking "creative liberties" in their depictions of human trafficking which raise concerns among anti-trafficking experts. They say they offer an incomplete portrait of a real and urgent problem. Because human trafficking takes many forms and spans many populations, it is nearly impossible to drill down to what a common victim of human trafficking looks like.
To learn more about human trafficking, here are some resources:
U.S. Department of State - About Human Trafficking
Interpol - Human trafficking and migrant smuggling
Michigan Law - Human Trafficking Clinc & Lab
The United Methodist Church General Commission on Race & Religion hosted a webinar in May on White Allyship: What it means to be an antiracist ally.
Click here to watch the recording.