Check out all our recent sermons on our YouTube page!


A Living Hope

This season is about living into a new reality. The shocking news that death is not the end of the human story takes some reorientation. So, we let this knowledge wash over us, and we begin, with joy, to embrace this new way of living. Let’s explore this hope, and to know it well enough, to recognize it when we encounter it. Join us for this journey into the new world of a living hope.


In Awe of Grace

Holy Week 2023


Join us for a journey through holy week. 


Living Inside Out

Take the change that is happening inside this Lent and walk it out in the community. Live Inside Out!


Breakthrough Prayer

Ever wonder how to really pray? How do you hear from God? Is there a particular way to pray? How can my prayers really be powerful? Join us for a three-week series exploring breakthrough prayer. No matter where you are on your journey, we can always take the next step in your prayer life.


You have what it takes!

The church is commissioned to build. What are the tools needed? Do we have what it takes to build a better world?


Check out all of our worship messages on YouTube!